Dear Family and Friends: It has been a very long time since we have corresponded with you through our blog though we have had the privilege to talk and visit with many during the last few months. We apologize for the long delay of sharing an update. Truth be told we have been as uncertain as to what we were going to do or what God had for us to do as you were. We came home from Papua New Guinea in June of 2023 with the full expectation that we would be returning to PNG in the beginning of the 2023 fall school year. Throughout our wait from June 2023 until August of 2024 we have had many delays, pauses, and uncertainty in situations which we have come to realize were God directed. Though at the time we were frustrated, impatient and often wondered “what are we supposed to be doing?”. Initially we had issues with our visas. We had to reapply in June of 2023, but the PNG government had electronic processing issues which resulted in delays of getti...